Bad Days, Good Life
I had every intention of sending out another stellar email today that would forever change your life with my wit and wisdom.
This ain’t it.
Man, I’ve had a rough couple of days lately, work is tough, sleep is off, Mercury is in Gatorade or Retrograde or something like that, I don’t know.
Point is, that’s OK. It’s OK to have bad days. They’re going to happen anyway, embrace them, accept them and move on.
As I tweeted yesterday:
Had one of my worst days in a while yesterday.
So what?
It was one bad day, not a entire bad life.
New day, new chances.
Semper Fortis
Solet the bad days come. You can handle it.
It’ll be OK in the end, and if it’s not Ok, it’s not the end.
Lead Forward
Semper Fortis
Chief Chuck